
Empower parents and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to nurture their children's development.Create engaging workshops and resources, connect families to community support, and build a foundation for a child's success.


Teacher Level: Early Education Parent Educator

Building Location: Early Education

Develop lesson plans and activities specifically for adult learners; enlist a variety of activities, materials and technology to support parents in their personal and parenting growth; stay current on “Best-Practices” in parent and family well-being; stay current on research surrounding brain development and family health.

Establish and maintain an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere in which to facilitate parent groups; implement programs which encourage parent involvement and development; encourage teachers to communicate to parents the importance of their involvement in their children’s classroom experience; provide parents with research and “Best-Practices” parenting skills; accommodate special needs including English Language Learners, non-literate parents, and mental health/chemically dependency challenges; maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect, support, confidentiality, acceptance and accountability.

Create positive community relations through print information, social media platforms and electronic communications; design and distribute program information using District marketing templates and policies.

Attend professional development activities; assist in identifying areas for future growth and development; participate in internal and external meetings, open houses and special events.