
District | Teacher Mentor | All Schools | Available: 08/20/2024 | Closing: 05/22/2024


JOB ID: 4279 – Teacher Mentor-Special Education – One mentor teacher for BW, GVP, SC, NMS, and NHS (5 total) beginning 08/20/2024-06/06/2025. 
Scheduled days/hours: Varies.
Qualifications Required: Candidates must have at least five years of teaching experience in Northfield Public Schools. Mentors provide emotional support, instructional and organizational guidance. Mentors should share pedagogical knowledge, model teaching practice, and provide helpful feedback. Previous mentoring experience preferred. 
Duties: Stipend position ($1000): The mentor teacher works to develop, strengthen, and retain quality early career teachers and demonstrates a desire to help new and existing teachers transition to and work successfully in the Northfield Schools District. Will coordinate and mentor new teachers in the mentor’s building. Must be willing to attend semester meetings with the mentor teacher group.
Deadline: 05/22/2024 – EOE (05/14/2024) — INTERNAL ONLY