
Paraprofessional | Special Education Paraprofessional | Emmet Williams Elementary School


Description:  Roseville Area Schools has multiple vacancies at Emmet D. Williams Elementary School for Special Education paraprofessionals starting August 27, 2024. Paraprofessionals would provide support in our center-based CID/Autism program for elementary age students. Most positions are 7 hours per day, however hours may vary.
We have 3 (three) 7.0 hours/day positions and 1 (one)  4.75 hours/day position.

Required Qualifications:  Candidate must possess 60 semester/90 quarter credits of study at an institution of higher education or an AA, AS, AAS (or higher) degree, or a passing score on the MN Para-Professional Test.  Please attach proof of these criteria to your application. 

Compensation:  Starting salary range is $17.26- $19.47 per hour. Special Education paraprofessionals have the opportunity to earn an additional $2.00 per hour for completing online district Special Education training. Eligible Special Education paraprofessionals in CID programs will receive an additional $1.00 per hour.

Application Timeline:  Roseville Area Schools continuously accepts applications for employment and you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. This Notice of Vacancy will be posted until filled.

Equity Vision:  Roseville Area Schools is committed to ensuring an equitable and respectful educational experience for every student, family, and staff member, regardless of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, ability, home or first language, religion, national origin, age, or physical appearance.  Roseville Area Schools seeks individuals who embody this commitment.

Roseville Area Schools
1251 County Rd B2 W
Roseville, MN 55113