
Q Comp Career Ladder | PLC Leader | North Branch Area Middle School | Available: 24-25 School Year | Closing: Open Until Filled


North Branch Middle School is looking for the following PLC Facilitator:

Job Description: Provide leadership and support to a PLC team and the individual PLC team members

· Licensed North Branch staff member on teacher contract.
· Tenured teacher with three or more years of teaching experience.
· A commitment of serving a possible three years in the position.
· Experience in peer coaching and/or mentoring.
· Proficiency in working with computerized documents and technology.
· Strong verbal and written communication skills.
· Effective peer classroom observation skills.
· Strong organizational and collaborative skills.

PLC Facilitator’s responsibilities:
-Coordinate professional development sessions for PLCs.
-Coordinate PLC meeting dates, times, and locations: minimum 3 hours per month.
-Establish PLC meeting agendas, summarize meeting progress, submit a monthly PLC leader’s reflective log and determine follow up support, needed training, resources, and implementation actions.
-Submit PLC team’s classroom instructional focus and formative assessment plans that align with site specific improvement initiatives, site Q Comp goal and districtwide improvement initiatives.
-Meet individually throughout the year with PLC members to discuss progress on professional development plans.
-Collaborate with PLC leaders, administration, and site Q Comp advisor.
-Serve on the site Q Comp advisory team and site staff development committee.
-Complete up to seven classroom observations with PLC members.
-Collect, review, follow up, and submit PLC team members’ updated professional development plans (PDP).
-Provide monthly update on PLC team’s progress, classroom implementation strategies and formative assessment results that support site Q Comp goal.
-Facilitate and monitor evidence of student progress and use of formative assessments.
-Collect and/or present site data and testing results to PLC members and site Q Comp advisory team.
-Participate in annual ongoing professional development and leadership training.

Hiring Process:
-Positions will be posted internally for one week 
-All licensed staff will receive an e-mail notification of open positions.
-Licensed staff apply by submitting a letter of interest and application / resume to the principal.
-Qualified applicants will be selected and interviews will be conducted by a site Q Comp interview team under the direction and leadership of the building principal.
-The interview team and principal recommendations will be forwarded to the superintendent by the building principal for approval.

-A self-reflective evaluation will be completed by each PLC facilitator.
-Performance evaluations on the PLC facilitator will be completed by all PLC team members, Q Comp site advisor, and site administrators.
-The teacher development coordinator will review the PLC facilitator’s teacher observation data for accurate understanding of focused observation evidence and consistent communication of performance indicators.
-The site Q Comp advisor and building principal will review monthly electronic records such as updated PLC implementation plans and individual professional development plans.

Salary Augmentation:
· $2,250 per year + $500 per year for serving as a site staff development representative for a total of $2,750 per year.
· Up to a half-day substitute teacher as needed from October – April for release time to conduct observations, to plan and prepare for PLC teams, and to work with other site PLC facilitators and district Q Comp advisors.