
Paraprofessional | Substitute Paraprofessional | District Wide


Substitute Paraprofessional Job Description

To service as substitute for regular paraprofessional staff.


Substitute paraprofessionals are under the direct supervision of the teachers and building principal. They are required to follow directives and responsibilities as requested by these individuals.

Requirements and Responsibilities

Substitute Paraprofessionals are expected to do the following:

路Dress professionally

路Report on time

路Willing to work, eager to learn, energetic and flexible

路No cell phone usage during work hours

路Be cooperative; getting along with students, fellow employees and supervisor(s)

路Capable of learning new duties and skills

路Complete neat and accurate work

Substitute Paraprofessionals may be asked do some of the following duties:

路Supervise and manage behavior of students in classroom, hall, lunchroom and during outside recess time or as assigned. Be prepared to wear appropriate outer wear for outside supervision.

路Assist students with instructional materials

路Clerical activities delegated by teachers (copying, typing, etc.)

路Serve as resource to assist with classroom organization