
Substitute | District-Wide


Basic Job Description:
With instruction and assistance by the Technical Staff; the Sound Board Operator is responsible for operating the audio control system for a specific production.

The sound board operator will be instructed on how to turn on and shut down the computer(s) used to control the audio system. He/she will learn some basic programming commands. • The sound board operator will need to attend technical rehearsals and performances. Technical Rehearsals usually begin the weekend before opening. On performance days, the lightboard operator’s call is usually 1 hour before curtain time. He/she are expected to participate in any strike following the closing performance.

 • The sound board operator will learn and be responsible for microphone distribution and care. He/she will assist actors with their microphones, i.e. attaching them to the body and placement of mic packs, cleaning and storage of microphones, and changing batteries.
• The sound board operator must be able to multitask and adapt, i.e. watch the show and actors movements, keep track of show in the script, make adjustments to cues as needed. A performance is different every night and must be able to adapt to any situation. Watching the show is most important. 

Other responsibilities may be required by mutual collaboration with the Stage Manager and/or Technical Staff.