
Physical Education/DAPE Teacher


Physical Education Teacher at Lake of the Woods School
Lake of the Woods School has a full time Phy Ed/DAPE Teacher position beginning 2025-26 school year.
Licensed by the state of Minnesota to teach physical education to students in K-12 and Developmental/Adaptive Physical Education Pre K-12.
Position open until filled. For additional information contact Mary Merchant, Principal at 218-634-2510 (ext. 1436) or
Submit the following materials:
1. School District Application (District Application Link)
2. Letter of Introduction
3. Resume
4. Transcript
5. Copy of MN Licensure
6. 3 current Letters of Reference
Visit the district website at and click on Job Opportunities to download and complete an Employment Application. 
Send or email the above information to Mary Merchant, Principal, Lake of the Woods ISD #390, 236 15th Ave SW, PO Box 310, Baudette, MN 56623,

​Lake of the Woods School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer