
Support Staff | Educational Assistant | Noble Academy


Noble Academy District #4171
Job Description


  • Must be able to speak Hmong
  • Assists in the Principal with marketing the school through the use of banners, flyers, brochures, signs, fund-raising events, etc. as needed
  • Ability and willingness to keep records and office space organized and easily accessible
  • Considerable ability to follow through in a timely manner
  • Considerable knowledge of and ability to perform classroom management skills, practices and relationship building
  • Considerable skills in teaching others to safely operate office machines and equipment
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to members of the public, the community, the staff, the students, and the administration
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with a variety of personality types and dispositions in numerous circumstances while maintaining a controlled, tactful, respectful, professional manner
  • Excellent team player skills with positive attitude
  • Ability to maintain a calm presence in an emergency
  • Ability to think clearly in any situation, determine priorities, and handle multiple tasks
  • Ability to make appropriate decisions quickly
  • Willingness to show initiative in problem solving and team goal achievements


  • Every staff member is subject to the rules and regulations contained in the Terms of Employment and Staff Handbook
  • All staff are expected to be punctual and in regular attendance
  • If any employee is unable to report to duty because of illness or otherwise, immediate notice must be given to the Principal
  • Outside work is not permitted during school hours and all employees shall devote their entire defined workday to the duties in which they have been assigned
  • All members will maintain a professional appearance, general decorum, and behavior that conforms to their professional status in the community
  • Special care will be taken by every employee in the use and protection of all school property
  • Participates in all school/family events beyond the school day
  • Participates in all Tuesdays and all other scheduled staff development session


STANDARD 1:    Teachers accommodate student differences when they plan for instruction.  Educational Assistants collaboratively plan and implement instruction designed to accommodate student differences.  Educational Assistants will assist English language learner students:

  • address learning styles
  • collaborate with teachers to use curriculum for a diverse student population, subject matter, and skills
  • set high and appropriate expectations for all students and her/himself
  • follow the instructional plan and seek clarification and directions as needed

STANDARD 2:    Teacher are active learners as part of a school community.  Educational Assistants are active learners as part of a                                         school community.  Educational Assistants will assist English language learner students:

  • actively participate in the professional development process to achieve and give support for Professional development
  • participate in professional development opportunities through district, state, colleges/universities, and professional organizations, business partnerships or other professional strategies
  • are aware of methods to access information about best practices and educational issues
  • share expertise and knowledge with others
  • collaborate with parent/families, when directed, in making educational decisions
  • are aware of and access parent/family and community resources as part of the educational team
  • give and receive feedback in a positive manner

STANDARD 3:    Teachers provide feedback to students and parents/families regarding their learning.  Educational Assistants provide feedback to teachers and students regarding the student’s learning.  Educational Assistants will assist English language learner students:

  • provide clear feedback to students regarding their learning
  • use assessment results as feedback to structure future student learning as a member of the Instructional planning team
  • maintain a written record of student achievement as directed
  • support district, school, and classroom expectations through positive reinforcement

STANDARD 4:    Teachers continuously thins systematically about their practice to improve their effectiveness.  Educational Assistants continuously think systematically about their practice to improve their effectiveness.  Educational Assistants will assist English language learner students:

  • actively participate in the professional development process to achieve and give support for Professional development
  • elicit feedback from colleagues to improve instructional effectiveness
  • integrate feedback and reflection into instructional directed activities
  • seek advice of others
  • develop an awareness of research-based best practices that support student achievement
  • learn from experience and colleagues
  • coach colleagues to higher levels of effectiveness
  • connect your daily work practices to the individuals, classroom, school, community, and world


STANDARD 5:    Teachers create classrooms in which students want to learn, do learn and become responsible for their own learning.  Educational Assistants supports teachers in creating classrooms in which students want to learn, do learn and become responsible for their own learning.  Educational Assistants will assist English language learner students:

  • affirm success
  • demonstrate empathy, rapport, and personal interactions among students, peers, and other adults with Multicultural, Gender and Ability Fair perspective
  • establish and consistently maintain expectations and routines that are Multicultural, Gender and Ability Fair and appropriate to all students
  • organize the physical facilities of the classroom as directed
  • promote respectful interactions among students
  • promote respectful interactions between all students and adults
  • Maximize time spent actively engaged in academic activities. Minimize time spent waiting for activities to get started, making transitions between activities, sitting with nothing to do, or engaging in misconduct
  • promote student self-discipline and responsibility
  • encourage class participation and interaction
  • exhibit a respectful attitude toward students
  • positively reinforce achievement and appropriate behavior
  • support a classroom environment in which students feel safe and willing to take academic risks
  • encourage work and study habits in the classroom
  • promote independent thinking, researching, and studying
  • promote independent and collective learning

STANDARD 6:    Teachers create lessons and learning environments that are structured so that students can relate what they know to new information and situations.  Educational Assistants support lessons and learning environments that are structured so that students can relate what they know to new information and situations.  Educational Assistants will assist English language learner students:

  • monitor student performance using a variety of informal assessment tools and provide corrective feedback as directed
  • understand lessons and organize materials for instruction
  • review, adapt, and summarize lessons as directed
  • use strategies that encourage critical thinking and problem solving
  • demonstrate a knowledge of subject matter
  • know the subject matter and students’ learning styles, needs and experiences
  • know and use strategies that foster thinking, reasoning and problem solving by students
  • support lessons and learning environments that help students relate new information to what they already know
  • support lessons and learning environments that assist the teachers to integrate instruction across content areas and interdisciplinary themes
  • assist the teacher to proved opportunities for students to gain new knowledge and skills and to apply what they have learned in the context of their daily lives
  • in collaboration with the teacher, monitor student performance and provide corrective feedback
  • implement lessons and learning environments that are developmentally appropriate and challenging to students
  • implement lessons and learning environments that support curriculum content standards and grade level expectations
  • support environments where learning is active, experiential and engaging

STANDARD 7:    Teachers implement instruction in ways that encourage student learning.  Educational Assistants implement instruction in ways that encourage student learning.  Educational Assistants will assist English language learner students:

  • implement instructional methods that accommodate differences in developmental levels and learning styles
  • focus on relevant and important aspects of the instructional materials and activities
  • relate new learning to students’ previous learning and experiences
  • accommodate student differences with clear and appropriate oral directions and assignments
  • accommodate student differences with clear and appropriate written directions and assignments
  • accommodate student differences through the use of appropriate wait time
  • use a variety of teaching strategies and techniques to foster student motivation
  • use teaching aids and instructional materials appropriately
  • facilitates cooperative learning in groups
  • provide hands on exercises and experiences
  • provide direct instruction, drill, practice, and feedback according to student needs
  • promote class participation and interaction
  • use a variety of questioning techniques/modes
  • pace instruction appropriately
  • arrange for physical and social conditions that are conducive to learning
  • communicate high expectations clearly to students
  • model learning to help students develop metacognitive (thinking about thinking) strategies
  • guide students to interact with the content (e.g., develop and answer factual and integrative questions, problem solve, and invent new ideas
  • model the learning of higher order thinking and problem solving skills through collaboration/cooperation with colleagues

Please note that all employees are expected to understand their role as stated herein and understand that this list is not inclusive. All staff must follow through with responsibilities knowing that sometimes they will have to perform tasks assigned by senior administration that are not part of their job descriptions. Responsibilities are subject to change with or without notice.
Noble Academy is an equal opportunity employer.  Employment consideration is made without regard to race, color, creed, gender, national origin, age, disability marital or veteran status, sexual orientation or any other legally protected statuses.