Employer registration deadline: January 17, 2025The Diversity Job and Internship Fair is the largest diversity recruiting event of its kind in Minnesota, and gives employers direct, targeted access to talented students pursuing degrees in a wide variety of majors. Hosted at St. Cloud, but students from multiple campuses are invited.
Employer registration deadline: January 17, 2025
Attendee Audience: Upcoming graduates who will be seeking teaching positions. Students will come from various majors, such as agricultural education, art education, birth to kindergarten education, business education, counseling education, elementary education, family & consumer sciences education, music education, physical education & health, special education, speech pathology, secondary education, and technology education.
Attendee Audience: ALL enrolled UW-Madison students, plus recent alumni who graduated within the past two years.Estimated Attendee Count: Not listedEmployer Restrictions: None. Employers from any industry are invited. Employer Deadline:January 31, 2025, to be listed in printed guides Additional notes: This is a two-day fair. There are separate registrations for each day. The school advertises…
Attendee Audience: All enrolled UW-Madison students, plus recent alumni who graduated within the past two years. Employer Deadline: January 31, 2025, to be listed in printed guides Additional notes: This is a two-day fair. There are separate registrations for each day. The school advertises a different mix of employers on each day.
Attendee Audience: Undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni. Some are actively seeking jobs, others exploring future opportunities. Comes from various majors. Employer Restrictions: None. Employers from any industry are invited; educational organization is one category the organizers say is a great fit for this fair.
Attendee Audience: Undergraduates, graduating seniors, graduate students, alumni, and non-NIU candidates Estimated Attendee Count: Typical average of 250 Employer Restrictions: Limited to the first 20 employers outside Illinois that register Employer Deadline: Typical deadline is two weeks prior to fair date, but out-of-state limit typically fills quickly.
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