Frequently Asked Questions

Employers - Accounts

  • I see a message “Invalid Link” when I attempt to accept my user invitation. How do I proceed?

    New employer users to are sent an invitation email with the subject line, "Invitation to Join <employer name> Account on MN School Jobs". The invitation email includes a link that will activate the user account, and that link expires 72 hours after delivery.

    When an invitation link has expired you will see the "Invalid Link." message (we're working on making this message more useful.) The invitation email can be sent by an administrative user in your employer account, or email and we'll reissue the i nvitation.

  • What employers are eligible to post jobs on MSJ?

    Minnesota public schools hiring B-21-educators having licenses regulated by the Professional Educator Standards and Licensing Board are allowed to post employment opportunities to the site. Generally, this is represented by the set of organizations having a Minnesota Department of Education Organization Type listed below.

    Additionally, staffing companies and other employers under contract to hire and place licensed staff with eligible school agencies are allowed to post employment opportunities with those contracting agencies.

    • 01 Independent Districts and Schools
    • 03 Special Districts and Schools
    • 06 Intermediate Districts and Schools
    • 07 Charter Schools
    • 34 Tribal-Contract Schools
    • 50 Miscellaneous Cooperatives (limited)
    • 51 Vocational Cooperatives
    • 52 Special Education Cooperatives
    • 60 Correctional Facilities
    • 61 Education Districts
    • 70 State Operated Schools (Minnesota State Academies, Perpich)
    • 83 Service Cooperative (ECSU Region)

  • What is required to create and maintain an employer account?
    • Submission of the employer account request form for en eligible employer by an authorized individual.
    • Verification that an authorized individual made the submission. Verification can often be completed by inspection but may involve email or telephone confirmation.
    • Up to three email addresses designating users authorized to post positions and manage the employer’s online profile.
    • Allow email and web access to from the employer's technology systems.

  • When will employers receive user account information?

    Most requests are completed within three business days.

  • I post positions on behalf of an eligible employer, can I have an account on MSJ?

    Schools are allowed to add user accounts for individuals that are not direct employees. User accounts can be added directly by the employer account administrator, or by request to by an authorized employee of the school. The terms of use and service for Minnesota School Jobs apply to all employer user accounts, whether or not they are direct employees.

  • I hire teachers but do not have a Minnesota Department of Education organization ID. Am I eligible to post on MSJ?

    No. Only Minnesota public schools hiring B-21-educators having licenses regulated by the Professional Educator Standards and Licensing Board are allowed to post to the site. See the FAQ, "What employers are eligible to post jobs on MSJ?"

Employers - Posting Jobs

  • How long do jobs stay in the system?

    Jobs are deleted two years after closing (expiring). The delete operation removes the posting and all related information, including analytics (views/clicks/applies), and any related candidate interest..

  • Can cross-post job openings into the Handshake system that colleges and universities use?

    No. Handshake supports only the manual posting of vacancies. We are exploring an option to allow our team to cross-post on employers’ behalf.

  • Can job postings be submitted by email?

    No, we do not accept job postings via email.

Employers - Automatic Job Imports

  • What does automatic import do? How does it work?

    Automatic Import is a type of system integration where retrieves job postings for an employer such that the information and state of postings in the employer’s online applicant tracking system (ATS) appears on The key reason for an employer to use the automatic import service is that no additional human intervention is required. Job postings automatically import twice each day and imported postings remain online until closed in the employer ATS. This option requires a supported ATS. There is a fee for this option. 

    See the Automatic Import Process documentation.

  • How much does the automatic import service cost?

    $1200/year, prorated to a July 1st start for the following 12-month period. For example, invoices sent July 1st, 2024, will cover the service 7/1/24 to 6/30/25.

    There will be no fee for employers using automatic import prior to 7/1/24.

  • What are the requirements of using automatic import?

    Employers wishing to automatically import their job postings must have an existing system that posts and maintains job advertisements online.  

    Generally, any system that can present a listing and details of job postings specific to your district with a publicly accessible URL will be supported. We cannot import from systems that forbid extraction through legal or technical means. The following systems are supported currently supported: 

  • Can users manually create or modify postings while using the automatic import service?


    Postings that have been created as a result of the automatic import process can be "disconnected" such that the postiing information on is independent of the source ATS.

    Users also have the ability to post employment opportunities not present in the source ATS.

  • Is Automatic Import available for members of a Frontline Recruiting & Hiring consortium?

    Yes. This support was added in May, 2024.  

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