Minnesota New Country School

Open Positions at Minnesota New Country School

Special Education Advisor (Teacher) Grades K-12

The special education advisor educates, plans, facilitates and evaluates the needs of students identified with special education needs and supports the district instructional program for students in their educational goals.

Title I Advisor (Teacher) Grades K-6 (2024-2025)

The Title I Interventionist/Educator position is designed to assist K-6 students at Minnesota New Country School Elementary with math, reading, and writing skills to align with Minnesota State Standards. The Title I Interventionist/Educator works with advisors to develop curriculum that meets state standards, to analyze assessment data, and provide “real time” push-in and pull-out research-based interventions in the core curricular areas.

Youth Service Learning Coordinator 2024-2025 (1 year, grant funded, 0.5 FTE position)

The Youth Service Learning Coordinator will plan, develop, coordinate, and implement programming, activities, and supports for youth service learning opportunities in the establishment of the National Ruby Throated Hummingbird Center in Henderson, MN. They will also conduct outreach to recruit young people to participate in opportunities and programming. This is a 1 year, grant funded, 0.5 FTE position and a great opportunity to be in on the start up of the center.

Gen Ed Advisor Grades 7-12 (Teacher in any content area – English and Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, Art, Music, FACS etc.)

The 7-12 Gen Ed Advisor (teacher) guides students through the completion of academic projects in a wide variety of academic and skill areas. In any given day, you may teach geometry, plan a research paper, lead a book group and show a student how to use the Glowforge - you get to work alongside the student to encourage their growth as a learner and as a person. These projects are designed by the student around areas of their interest and are linked with the MN Standards.

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