See the KIPP Minnesota Charter School website
KIPP is a national network of free, openâenrollment, collegeâpreparatory public schools in underâresourced communities throughout the United States. There are currently 281 locallyârun KIPP regions in more than 25 states and Washington, DC; nationally, KIPP serves approximately 120,000 students. More than 80 percent of KIPP students come from lowâincome households, and more than 95 percent are African American or Hispanic/Latino. Through high expectations for students and staff, worldâclass teachers and principals, more time in school, autonomy over budget and curriculum, and a focus on results, KIPP schools prepare traditionally underserved students for success in college and in life. KIPP schools have been widely recognized for their success in doing so, and today, nearly 85% of KIPP alumni nationally have matriculated to college.
All KIPP schools share a core set of operating principles, known as the Five Pillars, that KIPP believes help to lay the foundation for students to perform at the highest academic levels: High Expectations, Choice & Commitment, More Time, Power to Lead, and a Focus on Results.
KIPP Minnesota Overview
Who we are: KIPP Minnesota Schools is a network of high-performing college-preparatory public charter schools. Next year, we will serve over 300 students in grades K-8 (primary and middle) in north Minneapolis. KIPP Minnesota Schools is a fast-growing, entrepreneurial organization with significant growth plans in the coming years.
What we do: We do whatever it takes to help our students develop knowledge, skills, and strong character. We work relentlessly so that every one of our students has the opportunity to attend college and has access to the life of choice and opportunity that college provides. The KIPP Minnesota Regional Team supports our schools, school leaders, and staff through organizational and academic alignment, business management, strategic planning, and back office functions.
How we do it: There are no shortcuts to success. Outstanding educators, rigorous lessons, more time in school, and a strong school culture support our students as they climb the mountain to college. We work as a team, use data, and constantly reflect to improve our practice. We believe all of our KIPPsters can make it to and through college, and we stay with them every step of the way.
Why it matters: Approximately 1 in 10 students in our communities earn a college degree. We believe this is unjust and unacceptable and, most importantly, can be changed. Nationwide, over 85% of KIPP middle school alums matriculate to college.